Sunday, March 30, 2014

::Dinner Plans 11::

I'm finding myself at a bit of a loss this week. I feel as though this is becoming a pattern for me. One week, I am very excited about meal planning. The next week, I'm at a complete loss. I have no motivation to look for a new recipe or two. I have no desire to think about what I want to cook from memory (it is pretty cool that I have a few go-to dishes that I just know).

Maybe it's the super random weather we've had. On Friday, it rained AND snowed. Really!?
Okay, I guess it's not all that unusual. I do live in Minnesota, after all.

Maybe it's because I feel like I repeat myself over and over again. Chicken. Beef. Venison. Beef. Chicken. Venison. Chicken. Chicken. Pork. Seafood.

Or, maybe. Maybe I'm just in a mood.

Alright, kiddo, buck up. Everyone is there sometimes. It's life. It happens.

Chin up, butter cup and plan your meals.

Okay! Here we go!
(sometimes and "Okay, here we go!" is all I need)

Sunday: Baked Chicken with Mushrooms & Onions
Monday: Garlic Pepper Venison Steaks with Sauteed Vegetables
Tuesday: Salad Bar
Wednesday: Grilled Paninis
Thursday: Chicken Soup
Friday: Scrambled Eggs with Sweet Potato Hash
Saturday: Kid's Birthday Party! Crock Pot Chicken Tacos

See, that wasn't so bad now, was it?

I hope y'all have a wonderful week. I've finally made it to spring break, so this one will definitely be great!

Jessica Lynn Writes

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