Monday, March 17, 2014

Bigs & Littles

This year, I decided to participate in the Bigs & Littles blogging network.

What an experience!

Sorry...I'm posting this way was supposed to be done and posted on March 3rd. That was a couple of weeks ago.
(do you suppose it's things like those that keep my blog nice and small?)

Anyway. I got matched up with Brittany at Everyday Thoughts. I thought it was a great match up. We're both new moms (yay! I love being a mom). AND! We both have pretty cute baby boys (except hers is a year already, and mine is just a few weeks away).

I have to admit that, at first, I was a little apprehensive about joining Bigs & Littles. In fact, I thought about signing up for a few days before I actually did. Could I handle the "commitment" (cuz it was so huge)? Would I be paired with someone similar to myself, with a blog similar to my own (yes, and yes).

It was most definitely a great experience. One I hope to repeat again the next time Bigs & Littles happens again. And all I'd like to get out of it?

Okay, there are a couple things:

Get a few tips and pointers. Brittany provided amazing ones. Ones that I have been following, and have brought some success to the ol' blog.

Find a blog I otherwise wouldn't have. I don't think I every would have happened upon Brittany's blog without this blogging network, and it's a great blog! I especially love her latest post--it makes me think that Kid probably has the same inner-monologue.

It was a great experience, and I'm glad I took part!

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