Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Proud Mama Moment

Tonight, I had a proud mama moment.

I thought to myself, I am doing something right.

Don't get me wrong. I feel that way a lot. I am doing what works for our family, what is best for our family. But tonight, there was this moment. I had full confidence in the actions leading up to this moment. For a moment, I knew that I was building confidence in my child.

There are so many posts, articles, books, statuses floating around the internet that lead a mother (well, a family) to question whether or not what they are doing is "right." I've made it a point to read fewer and fewer of those things. It makes for a happier life, let me tell you!

Anyway. Back to the Proud Mama Moment.

Wow. It was amazing.

Early in Kid's life we learned that he was a shy boy. But also an outgoing boy. In our home, with just his mama and daddy around, Kid would talk with a loud and proud voice. With new people around not one sound came from Kid for at least 20 minutes.

Tonight, we brought Kid to my husband's school (did you know he's a teacher, too?) to watch the varsity basketball game. Kid's third basketball game there.

At the previous games, the hubs would walk in holding the kiddo. When Kid saw the amount of people there, he'd reach for me until I held him. So, I held him. For the entirety of both games. My back was sore after sitting on those bleachers and holding a baby! He would watch the basketball game (or the other people in the stands) with his head on my shoulder. He wouldn't make a peep.

But, tonight!

Tonight, he was the Kid we see at home every night. Loud. Happy. Independent. Sitting on the bleachers. Letting his daddy hold him. Banging his toys together. Talking. It was such a wonderful moment. I saw that the comfort provided to him during the two previous games made him feel safe. Taught him that it was okay.

I am one proud mama.


  1. Wooo wooo!!! Feeling a sense of pride in the accomplishments of your child is such a blessing - I'm so glad he came out of his shell! What a handsome little one.
