Sunday, October 20, 2013

Weekly Meal Plan

Another week has come and gone. The fridge has been restocked with fresh fruits and veggies.

The husband and I have gotten into the habit of doing a big meat purchase, and other necessities, in bulk once a month at Costco. Then, once a week I make the trek to the grocery store for produce for the week. I would love to purchase produce from Costco in bulk as well, but the husband and I don't eat it fast enough for it to be worth it.

This week, we will be eating:

Sunday: Homemade Chicken Soup
Monday: Spicy Venison Chops
Tuesday: Fajitas
Wednesday: Beef Stew
Thursday: Caesar Chicken
Friday: Salmon Lime Lettuce Wraps
Saturday: Venison Burgers

Notice the venison still in the weekly meal plan? Yep. We still have a few pounds left in the freezer. Although I have been buying beef (very sparsely) from the grocery store, one deer has lasted us quite some time. Okay. Only six months.

Deer season is just around the corner, though, and I'm hoping the husband will get one or two to restock the freezer. I'm still hoping to accomplish my not-so-secret secret dream.

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