Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Motivate Me!

Does anyone remember the band Good Charlotte? I believe I went to a concert of theirs in college, and probably had a really good time (live music is awesome, by the by). I digress.

Good Charlotte has a song named "The Motivation Proclamation" and I thought it would be a fabulous song to talk about in regards to my new motivation to work out. I had a quick listen, though, and realized that it wasn't necessarily the happiest song. I didn't write the song, so I do not know for sure what the writers were thinking, but it sounds like someone is depressed.

I'm not. At all. I love life, but I was looking for a connection to my new found motivation. Finalmente, I have found motivation to get out there and run. I don't know what it was, I don't know what did it, but I am ready to run.

My 5K is coming up (August 26th) and I am actually excited to continue training. Tuesday is weekly girls' night with a great group of girls I knew in high school, which is why I tried to finagle my training schedule to have my day of rest on Tuesdays. It has worked out thus far, but as I sat at my friend's house I thought about running (er, jogging).

Instead of looking forward to a day of rest (as I normally would have), I was itching to get out and run! Tomorrow's goal: run 1.25 miles, walk 1.75 miles.

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