Saturday, September 22, 2012

Project: Organize

These last two weeks of organization have been a bummer for me.

The garage is the husband's zone--not my place to organize, but his. And he has done a fabulous job of doing so!

The office is a no-go, too. In dividing up our "chores" the husband so graciously (and thankfully!) took the job of doing the bills. I don't feel as though I can go in there and mess around with his organization. It works for him, and he does the bills. I'm not about to get in the way of that. I would be upset if he took it upon himself to organize my craft space. So I will sit another week out, and enjoy the fact that I don't have to take care of the bills for this household.

I may take some time tonight, though, to pick out carpet colors, wall colors and hardwood floors (upgrades to the ol' hacienda coming soon!).

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