Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Check In

I once wrote a post about New Month Resolutions, and how I would never write New Year's Resolutions.

And then, 2013 came to an end and I came up with New Year's Resolutions for three different parts of my life. What was I thinking? Was I thinking that my motivation would miraculously change and I would be one of those people that follows through on things?

Well. It's March 5th (Happy Birthday, Bestie K!) and it's time for me do a little check in.

So. How am I doing?

1. An image in every post. This one, surprisingly, is going well. While there has been a post here and there without an image, the majority have had something. Something created in PicMonkey, or a simple picture. It definitely makes the blog more fun. And using PicMonkey is a favorite thing of mine (I just created Kid's birthday invites using PicMonkey).
Current Status: Winning!

2. Post twice a week. Well, I didn't go through and look at each and every week. I did however notice that I've done pretty awesome at posting (especially since mid- to late-February).
Current Status: Winning!

3. Plan ahead. This one. THIS ONE! This one has probably been the best for the blog resolutions. Scheduling posts!? How awesome is that!? I can get a few posts done on Sunday and have them ready to go. It. Is. Awesome.
Current Status: Winning!

1. I am awesome at laundry now. Three months strong, woo hoo! It's getting finished. It's getting put away. Our clothes are clean and our mornings are so much easier. So, so nice. 
Current Status: Winning!

2. Shed a few pounds. Guys. I am not doing well with this one. Not even a little bit. In fact, I've probably gained weight over the last couple of weeks. I really need to get on top of it. Exercise more. Eat less. Just get motivated.
Current Status: Failing.

3. Have a camera ready to go. Well. I always have my phone. But my camera is so much better. I haven't done so well with this one. I've taken a BUNCH of pictures with my phone. And I've take a few with my camera. But my camera is mostly used on the weekend. When I'm home. And Kid is home. And Hubs is home. I'm going to keep working on this one...
Current Status: Barely Scraping By.

1. To maintain a clean desk. Not happening. It's cleaner that usual. But not as clean as I would like. There's good reason behind that, but this is not a place to really talk about my other job.
Current Status: Failing.

2. To include positive parent communication on Fridays. This has been a fun one. But I"m not just doing it on Fridays. Nope, nope, nope. I have been making phone calls and sending quick anecdotal email to parents throughout the entire week. And their responses are so delightful.
Current Status: Winning!

1 comment:

  1. Great job! Checking in every few months I'm sure willl help keep making it happen.
