Monday, April 16, 2012

Oh, The Vegetables

My husband and I started our garden. With the weather having been so odd this year, I think we will be able to move the little buggers outside rather soon. We started seeds indoors last year and had some luck, especially with cherry tomatoes and potatoes. We also got married, went on a two and a half week honeymoon and a week long family vacation. Most of the garden died or was eaten by the wildlife.

This year, we are more prepared and more in town. We are scheduled to be gone for two weeks this summer, instead of 5. About six weeks ago, we headed to the local garden supply store and picked up seeds. A lot of seeds. Carrots, squash, zucchini, tomatoes, hot peppers, cucumbers, peas, tomatillos, bell peppers. So many vegetables! We will also be adding potatoes, cantaloupe and pumpkins to the mix.

About three weeks ago, we planted the little buggers and they grown like weeds. Holy cow, we need to move them outside soon. Sadly, though, we've had frost over night this entire week. I don't want to risk moving all of my veggies outside quite yet...

Last year, we had our back garden and a small elevated garden. This summer, we have big plans. Our back garden is slated to be the salsa garden: tomatoes, peppers, tomatillos and fruit: raspberries. Our current elevated garden will hold the peas and carrots. We also plan to build three more elevated gardens. We need a place for the summer squash, zucchini, and cucumbers. I also have to figure out where I want to plant the dill.

Maybe you can tell, maybe not, but I am SO excited to have homegrown veggies!

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