Friday, November 1, 2013

Sad, Sad.

Like most, I take a ton of pictures on my phone.

Like most, I update my phone when the software is available.

But oh so sadly, something went horribly wrong. And my phone got restored. 

And my pictures got deleted. Gone. Adios.

I'm so bummed.

My mom has been texting me the pictures of G that I have texted her. I've taken them off of Facebook.

It's just not the same.

So now. The day after Halloween, here is the picture (the one, the only) that I have on my phone.


  1. UGH!! that is awful! My hard drive died a few months ago and all my pictures from the past few years were on it (over 10,000) I was devastated! (I now get to pay like $800 to get them off of it). I can't imagine losing all my baby boy's pictures! :(:(

    1. I know, such a bummer! My sister has gone through all of pictures I've sent her and has sent them that has been so helpful. Isn't it amazing how much we will pay to get our pictures back? They really are so worth it, though!

  2. That is terrible! I would be so sad. I can't even imagine.

  3. That is terrible! I would be so sad. I can't even imagine.
